Ethical Trade Co - Soap Photo

Franciscan Peacemakers


    Franciscan Peacemakers

    Locations: Milwaukee WI
    Founded: 1995
    Product Type: Bath & Body Products


    Mission Statement

    Franciscan Peacemakers is based in Milwaukee WI and provides a pathway to a sustainable healthy, safe and productive life for women engaging in prostitution due to trauma, human sex trafficking or drug addiction. They achieve this through street outreach, housing & healing and lastly through dignified employment.


    Since 1995, Franciscan Peacemakers has provided a compassionate presence to women engaging in prostitution on Milwaukee's streets. By going to the street with our outreach van, distributing bag lunches and hygiene supplies, the Franciscan Peacemakers have built relationships of trust with women managing multiple traumas - poverty, sexual abuse and exploitation, addiction and homelessness.

    Many recovery programs serving women last only 60-90 days. The complex histories of trauma that women who are trafficked and exploited experience required something more than these short-term options. Franciscan Peacemakers was determined to create a better solution to truly support the healing of wounds faced by the women being encountered on outreach.

    Inspired by the model of Thistle Farms in Nashville, Franciscan Peacemakers opened Clare Community in 2014 to provide a more concrete, holistic and long-term option for women seeking a pathway to healing 

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