Singing Rooster - Ethical Trade Co

Singing Rooster



    Singing Rooster goes above and beyond in their mission to help the Haitian people. They are a social enterprise nonprofit with a big heart; they partner commercially with small producers in Haiti to build better businesses while simultaneously re-introducing the world to fabulous Haitian products. They have created a supply chain that has either social or environmental benefits from beginning to end. They are on the ground working shoulder to shoulder with producer partners, improving crops and small business management, linking producers to pre-harvest financing and buying crops for much higher than fair trade, opening doors to direct market access, and returning proceeds for continued business growth. Building a self-sustaining Haiti is a beautiful thing.
    Visit their website to see the entire collection from Singing Rooster.

    From the Foundation

    "Many claim they work at origin – we mean it.  We work long hours, tirelessly crisscrossing Haiti to reach remote communities. We train in quality improvement, small business management, and help cooperatives plan for growth."
    29 items